St.Martin T7

Date: 2020, Category: Residential

Normally in a small-scale apartment an open concept to spatial planning to the rooms can be refreshing, yet the demarcation and division of the areas is still crucial. As in this case the client were having difficulty in the smoke from cooking getting into the living area.

We partitioned a clear spatial experience out of the living room, dining room, and kitchen in an overall oak tone design as to match the existing furnishing. To still having a free flow in between spaces we have two large metal framed sliding door, and top of the metal framed sliding door we have an adjustable venetian blind system that allow air flow yet when cooking it can be shut that prevent the smoke passing into the living area.

#StMartin #openkitchenpartition #oaktone #woodenshuttercurtain


Caribbean Coast Phase 2 Tower 9


St.Martin T3