Tierra Verde T8

Date: 2021, Area: 480 sq.ft., Category: Residential

The Zen style is similar but not complete similar to the Scandinavian style. The Japanese aesthetics pursues eternity and stability, while the Scandinavian design pursues minimalism and uniqueness. The two also have something in common: wood is the soul of the space, and it emphasizes love of nature without luxury. This is exactly the current attitude of the householder, who pursues quietness of the soul and longs for the simplicity of nature.

The designer uses wood as a carrier, and uses nut color as a series of tones, softly running through each space. It is based on Zen form, but it shows Scandinavian style.

The deep red color of walnuts symbolizes the honor of space; the off-white color of cashew nuts symbolizes originality and purity; the orange color of almonds is neither cold nor warm, tepid and moderate; the light green of pistachios represents returning to nature and beauty. Elegant, add a little coziness to the space.

As soon as you enter the door, the hanging shoe cabinet and the peg board form a dust-falling area. The householder can adjust the height of the peg board according to the actual needs, which has high flexible storage performance. A triangular seat is specially made next to the shoe cabinet, which not only has a visual extension, but also facilitates the owner to change shoes.

The TV cabinet has a lot of storage and display space. The use of dark red brushed stainless steel and warm lighting in the display cabinet highlights the taste of the owner.

The master bedroom and the study are separated by a full-height wardrobe, which saves space in addition to storage. The headboard in the master bedroom extends to the window sill, widening the visual experience of the entire room, and also provides the owner with a backrest when reading on the window sill.

The wooden grille is an essential element of Zen style. The designer made different wooden grilles as the wall decoration and the master bed decoration.

The designer retained the Zen-style and steady black as the wooden base line, which encloses the entire space in a low-key manner. This unit not only achieves the low-key of Zen style, but also has the intimacy of Scandinavian style.

#TRIGHT #interiordesign #interiordesignhk #renovation #TierraVerde #nuttycolour #zenstyle #scandinavianstyle


Media Coverage

AA TV@AA Stocks—Ideas for designing a functional and pretty enterway


Campton 1B


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