Interior Plant as Air Purification Agent

With most of our daily activities involved indoors TRIGHT Interior Design is typically aware of the “sick building syndrome,” where in can be in a building and not really know if you are breathing in potentially toxic or hazardous chemicals. These harmful chemicals include carbon monoxide, particulates, microbial contaminants, environmental allergens, radon, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other substances that can contribute to allergies and other adverse health problems.

We have tackle the “sick building syndrome” problem by introducing plants to naturally purify the air quality within the building. Plants are the most organic and are great for removing toxins and improving indoor air quality, providing healing and recovery benefits, and are also linked to improved moods, concentration and productivity in the workplace.

Reference material:

  • 陳柏銓 (2018)。淨化空氣的造氧盆栽

  • 行政院環境保護署 (2000)。淨化室內空氣之植物

  • (韓)郭炳華。室內淨化植物:觀賞栽培一本全

  • Jenny Raworth, Val Bradley。The Complete Guide to Indoor Gardening


Purify an Apartment Case Study


In Cambodia 2019