Purify an Apartment Case Study

Following up with the on the post regarding “Interior Plant as Air Purification AgentTRIGHT was able to give a client suggestions, who was looking to add some indoor plantations into his apartment. Using this opportunity Tright would like to show some different kind of plants at different locations and what are their purification properties are.

For Bedroom: Snake Plant, Kris plant. Aim to purify carbon dioxide release during sleep.

For Bathroom: Peacock plan, Arrowhead vine. These plants can purify ammonia and other odor.

For Kitchen: Boston fern, Lady Palm. These plants can collect dust and remove harmful VOC from cooking.

For Living Room: Pot mums, Croton. To aim remove formaldehyde, and other harmful toxics release from all the different material in the living room.


LED Strip 101 Class


Interior Plant as Air Purification Agent